LED lights are the latest technology in energy efficient lighting. LED stands for ‘Light Emitting Diode.’ This is a device that converts electricity into light. These lights are super energy saver with saving approximately 85% less energy than halogen and incandescent lights, hence reducing your power bills. Along with being economical, these lights have a longer lifespan than other lights. LED lights are widely used in today’s world, as it is designed with smart and advanced technologies. The following are some advantages of LED lights:

durability is considered to be the most essential and concerning factor of any such device. The LED lights are more durable than other ordinary and traditional lighting. These lights outstand in life expectancy by emitting sufficient light over the long period of time. It doesn’t really burn out and stop working like others.

LED lights are considered to be the most eco-friendly as their energy consumption is very little, which helps in bringing down the electricity bills. These lights prove to be more energy efficient especially in large scale projects. It saves more energy as compared to any other ordinary or traditional light technologies. LED lighting is an innovation to the energy saving.

 LED light requires less maintenance as it is more durable. It makes itself a maintenance free device which reduces the extra cost of replacing and maintaining, due to its long term operation.

these lights are free of any hazardous chemicals, which can harm the environment. These are 100% recyclable with no toxic materials which reduces the carbon footprint by up to a third. Unlike other such lights, which are made of toxic materials and are dangerous to the environment, LED lights indicates a step ahead in keeping the planet green.

the LED light doesn’t require any warm up period as it lights instantly. These can be switched on and switched off frequently, without affecting its life span and light emission. These lights brighten up immediately when powered on, which has a great advantage over other conventional lightings.


LED illumination operates well in cold and hot temperatures, such as outdoor winter settings, if compared to traditional fluorescent lighting which hinders the continuous functioning. It can work smoothly and efficiently in any kind of surrounding temperature. Hence, proving a flexible and adjusting device.

Along with many advantages, every device has some disadvantages too:

 as compared to the other lights, LED lights are a bit expensive. It may increase an initial capital cost of any infrastructure project than the traditional lighting technologies.

 LED lights must be supplied with correct voltage and current at a constant flow which ensures the durability and long life of the light. One might require an electronic expertise to design the electronic drivers as it cannot be run more than 350mA to maintain the balance between power consumption and operating temperature.


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